Web #3: MVC with data

In this class, we're going to modify our Hello World site to show data from the Employee db we just created.

  1. Introduction
    • This is where the fun begins.
    • In the real world, it's not about fancy websites.
  2. What is an application?
    • Data-driven websites. Should be able to view or edit data.
    • Manages company data and should make your job easier.
    • Public facing vs internal sites. In a corporate world, they are usually internal (behind a firewall).
  3. So many technologies to choose from. No wrong answer.
    • What is a STACKA group of technologies usually paired to build an app from start to finish.? A Microsoft .NET stack uses ASP.NET, a JavaScript framework, SQL Server and IIS.
    • Do your research. Job market will be different based on what you choose to learn.
  4. What is a Full-Stack Developer?
    • In today's tech industry, you can't just be good at one thing.
    • So what if you know how to design websites. The next guy applying for the job also knows how AND knows how to code.
    • As a full-stack developer, you will help design the solution and recommends which technologies to use.
    • A company doesn't want to hire different people to do these things:
      • UI (User Interface, the look and feel). Not a programmer.
      • UX Designer (User Experience). Also not a programmer.
      • Front-End Developer. A real programmer that is in charge of taking the data and making it look nice on the site.
      • Middle-layer developer (C#). Expose data to the front-end. Also creates web services for other systems that need your data.
      • Back-end developer (SQL). Also helps with data security, creates views, stored procedures.
      • IIS administrator. Web hosting and security.
  5. In Visual Studio, open the MVC project that we created. Let's discuss these roles:
    • Model
    • Controllers
    • Views
  6. Let's build our first MVC site that shows data.
    • When opening a page, the <page name>Controller is called, starting with Index(). See RouteConfig.
    • Create a connection to the database, pass SQL and get data. Many steps involved here.
    • Save data to an objectA multi-dimensional data structure, such as a List. using a Model
    • Go back to the View page (.cshtml page), along with the object (or data).
      Return View(tempObject)
    • In the View, display the data in an html table.
  7. Go to the next lesson - JavaScript Frameworks / Angular part 1