If We Have Time...
Choose any of the topics below to learn.
- Debugging and troubleshooting
- Watch the order your code is running.
- Understand why your code isn't doing what it's supposed to be doing.
- Pop-up windows (jQuery modal windows)
- Custom styled pop-up windows.
- Popular interview or coding question(s)
- Quick sort
- What are interviewers looking for and what to expect.
- Building websites that are more responsive using CSS3.
- Media queries so your website looks different on mobile devices.
- CSS3 also adds transparency, background properties, rounded borders, animations and videos to your websites.
- HTML5 and local storage
- Introduced in 2014. Before that, HTML4 (1999-2014).
- With local storage, I no longer need to add Settings or Preferences in my websites.
- HTML5 also introduces new tags to organize different parts of your page.
- Drag and drop (touch events).
- Cookies
- Allows your site to know if the user is new or returning.
- Putting it all together.
- First days at work.
- What questions to ask ... and not ask.
- Setting up your dev machine.
- Cloning / Repos
- Or, we could repeat a lesson.