Web #7: Add Website Authentication

  1. What is authorize / authentication? Why is it important?
    • Authentication is a way to verify a user's identity.
    • So that it shows the right data to the right user.
    • Types of authentication: Active Directory, Log-in screen, Role based
    • In this classroom, we will only learn how to add a log-in page.
    • To show the right data to the right user.
  2. What types of websites have it?
    • All corp applications.
    • When it pulls data from a database.
  3. There are multiple ways to "authenticate" users.
    • Username and password
    • Active Directory: In a corporate environment (within a firewall), websites can get your username.
  4. Let's build a website that asks you to sign-in with username and password.
    • We'll reuse the code from the previous lesson.
    • Attach example files here
  5. Go to the next lesson - Git / Repos / Tracking changes